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Adam Ossowicki

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Microorganisms are all around us. I always wanted to know how bacteria, fungi, viruses and other micro-lifeforms cause macro‑changes around us. In my work, I focus on bacteria and fungi associated with plants and insects. I am interested in how diversity and dynamics of microbiomes shapes the beneficial services provided by microbes but also how it shapes their pathogenicity. For me, the most fascinating part of my research is discovering interactions between microbes and between microbes and their hosts. With the fast developing sequencing technologies we can take a closer look into the microbial communities easier than ever, nevertheless many questions still remain unanswered. I believe that integrating genomics and metagenomics with phenotypic and metabolic data can bring us much closer to understanding how the micro-world works, how it affects our environment, and us.

In the Above-belowground Interactions Group my research is focused on microbes and microbiomes of Jacobaea vulgaris (ragwort) and its highly specialized herbivore Tyria jacobaeae (cinnabar moth). In my work I want to zoom into the functional aspects of plant-insect-microbe interactions in that system.    

Research InterestsEcology of soil systems, Microbe-plant-insect interactions, Biological control of plant pathogens, Soil virome, Metabolomics and Metagenomics, Multi-omics and data integration


(*-equal contribution)Ossowicki, A., Raaijmakers, J. M., & Garbeva, P. (2021). Disentangling soil microbiome functions by perturbation. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 13(5), 582–590., Y*., Ossowicki, A.*, Yergeau, É., Vigani, G., Geissen, V., & Garbeva, P. (2022). Plastic mulch film residues in agriculture: impact on soil suppressiveness, plant growth, and microbial communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98(2), fiac017., V.*, Ossowicki, A.*, Petrus, M. L. C., Overduin, S., Terlouw, B. R., Lund, G., Robinson, S. L., Warris, S., Schijlen, E. G. W. M., van Wezel, G. P., Raaijmakers, J. M., Garbeva, P., & Medema, M. H. (2021). Dissecting Disease-Suppressive Rhizosphere Microbiomes by Functional Amplicon Sequencing and 10× Metagenomics. MSystems., A., Tracanna, V., Petrus, M. L. C., van Wezel, G., Raaijmakers, J. M., Medema, M. H., & Garbeva, P. (2020). Microbial and volatile profiling of soils suppressive to Fusarium culmorum of wheat. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1921), 20192527., Y., Ossowicki, A., Yang, X., Huerta Lwanga, E., Dini-Andreote, F., Geissen, V., & Garbeva, P. (2020). Effects of plastic mulch film residues on wheat rhizosphere and soil properties. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 387, 121711., A., Jafra, S., & Garbeva, P. (2017). The antimicrobial volatile power of the rhizospheric isolate Pseudomonas donghuensis P482. PLoS ONE, 12(3), e0174362., D. M., Ossowicki, A., Rajewska, M., Maciąg, T., Jabłonska, M., Obuchowski, M., Heeb, S., & Jafra, S. (2016). When Genome-Based Approach Meets the “Old but Good”: Revealing Genes Involved in the Antibacterial Activity of Pseudomonas sp. P482 against Soft Rot Pathogens. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7., R., Ozymko, Z., de Jager, V., Siwinska, J., Smolarska, A., Ossowicki, A., Narajczyk, M., & Lojkowska, E. (2015). Genomic, Proteomic and Morphological Characterization of Two Novel Broad Host Lytic Bacteriophages ΦPD10.3 and ΦPD23.1 Infecting Pectinolytic Pectobacterium spp. and Dickeya spp. PLoS ONE, 10(3), e0119812., R., Ozymko, Z., Siwinska, J., Ossowicki, A., de Jager, V., Narajczyk, M., & Łojkowska, E. (2015). The complete genome, structural proteome, comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis of a broad host lytic bacteriophage ϕD3 infecting pectinolytic Dickeya spp. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 10(1), 68., D. M., Ossowicki, A., & Jafra, S. (2014). Genome sequence of Pseudomonas sp. strain P482, a tomato rhizosphere isolate with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. Genome Announc., 2(3), e00394–14.Krzyzanowska, D. M., Iwanicki, A., Ossowicki, A., Obuchowski, M., & Jafra, S. (2013). Genome sequence of Bacillus subtilis MB73/2, a soil isolate inhibiting the growth of plant pathogens Dickeya spp. and Rhizoctonia solani. Genome Announc., 1(3), e00238–13.

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