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Georgopoulos K, Bezemer TM, Neeft L, Camargo AM, Anslan S, Tedersoo L, Gomes SIF. 2024. Effects of soil biotic and abiotic characteristics on tree growth and aboveground herbivory during early afforestation. Applied Soil Ecology, 202: 105579.
Li C, Lambers H, Jing J, Zhang C, Bezemer TM, Klironomos J, Cong W-F, Zhang F. 2024. Belowground cascading biotic interactions trigger crop diversity benefits. Trends in Plant Science.
Merckx VSFT, Gomes SIF, Wang D, Verbeek C, Jacquemyn H, Zahn FE, Gebauer G, Bidartondo MI. 2024. Mycoheterotrophy in the wood-wide web. Nature Plants 1-9.
van Zwieten R, Bierman TV, Klinkhamer PGL, Bezemer TM, Vrieling K, Kodger TE. 2024. Mimicking natural deterrent strategies in plants using adhesive spheres. PNAS, 121: e2321565121.
Gao C, Bezemer TM, van Bodegom PM, Baldrian P, Kohout P, Mancinelli R, van der Hagen H, Soudzilovskaia NA. 2024. Fungal communities are passengers in community development of dune ecosystems, while bacteria are not. Ecology.
Bierman TV, Vrieling K, van Zwieten R, Kodger TE, Macel M, TM Bezemer. 2024. Adhesive droplets made from plant-derived oils for control of western flower thrips. J Pest Sci.
Liu X, Vrieling K, Gomes SIF, Ossowicki A, Lommen STE, van der Drift MCH, Zwart FA, Ekas LS, de Sousa TXM, Erol Ö, Bezemer TM. 2024. Exploring the potential of root-associated bacteria to control an outbreak weed. Plant Soil.
Liu X, He D, Vrieling K, Lommen STE, Gao C, Bezemer TM. 2024. Distance- and density-dependent recruitment of common ragwort is not driven by plant-soil feedbacks. Basic and Applied Ecology, 76: 1-13
Liu X, Raaijmakers C, Vrieling K, Lommen STE, Bezemer TM. 2022. Associational resistance to nematodes and its effects on interspecific interactions among grassland plants. Plant Soil, 471: 591–607
Fernandes HP, Choi YH, Vrieling K, de Bresser M, Sewalt B, Tonolo F. 2023. Cultivar-dependent phenotypic and chemotypic responses of drug-type Cannabis sativa L. to polyploidization. Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1233191.
Liu X, Bezemer TM. 2023. Current and legacy effects of neighborhood communities on plant growth and aboveground herbivory. Basic and Applied Ecology, 66: 63-72.
Gomes SIF, Giesemann P, Klink S, Hunt C, Suetsugu K, Gebauer G. 2023. Stable isotope natural abundances of fungal hyphae extracted from the roots of arbuscular mycorrhizal mycoheterotrophs and rhizoctonia-associated orchids. New Phytologist, 239(4): 1166-1172.
Gomes SIF, Kielak AM, Hannula SE, Heinen R, Jongen R, Keesmaat I, Jonathan R, Bezemer TM. 2020. Microbiomes of a specialist caterpillar are consistent across different habitats but also resemble the local soil microbial communities. Animal Microbiome, 2: 37.
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